The Internet of Things - It's Not About the Technology, IFA
Summit+ 2014, 8 September 2014, Berlin, Germany.
Annual guest lecture, Royal Institute of Technology, 28 April 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Internet of Things: from nothing to everything, Keynote Scandinavian Electronics Expo, 8 April 2014, Stockholm, Sweden.
Pushing the Internet into everything - literally, The Cisco Internet of Things world forum, 29 October 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
Approaching the Software-Defined
Reality, TTI Vanguard
Atoms Matter 2013, 9 July 2013, Vienna, Austria.
KTH annual networking course guest lecture, 29 April
2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
Keynote: the Internet of Things, Real-time Embedded annual
gathering, 27 September 2012.
IPv6 and the Internet of Things, Tritech 31 August 2012,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Per-Packet Power Profiling:Power at Packet Granularity and
Network Scale, INSS 2012, 13 June 2012, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Networking in the small, in the
large, 40
years of IFIP commemoration ceremony, 24 May 2012, Prague,
Czech Republic.
Keynote: the Internet of Things, Scandinavian Electronics
Event, 19 Aptil 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences guest
lecture, 26 March 2012, Stockholm, Sweden.
Contiki and the Internet of Things, San Francisco IoT meetup,
6 March 2012, San Francisco, USA.
Guest lecture for IT law students, Stockholm University, 14
February 2012.
Keynote: Beyond the Technology of the Internet of Things: Delivering
Magic, IoT forum launch event, 23 November 2011.
CALIPSO workshop opening, Paris, France, 20 September 2011.
KTH Guest Lecture, 18 May 2011.
Keynote: IPv6
for Low-Power Wireless: Breakthrough Ahead?, RFID Systech
2011, 17 May 2011, Dresden, Germany.
Towards Low-power Interoperability for the IPv6-Based Internet
of Things, Annual Ad hoc Networking Workshop 2011,
Johannesberg, Sweden, 11 May 2011.
Everything Connected – Smart Objects and the Internet of
Things, The Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), 4 May
Ligtweight, Low-power IP, Internet Architecture Board meeting,
26 March 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
Everything gets connected, Swedish Traffic Authority,
Stockholm, Sweden, 31 March 2011.
The Announcement Layer: Beacon Coordination for the
Sensornet Stack, EWSN 2011, Bonn, Germany, 25 February 2011.
IPv6 for Low-Power and Lossy Networks, IEEE Meeting, Zurich,
Switzerland, 2 February 2011.
The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences guest
lecture, 6 December 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
KTH Guest lecture, 1 December 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
Engelsberg seminar series, 24 November 2010, Sweden.
Sensor networks for energy production, Swedish Energy
Authority, 29 September 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
Setting the Scene, European Commission's expert group on the
Internet of Things, 23 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
Billions of devices at our service, Swedish Defence Materiel
Administration 16 September 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
KTH Guest lecture on the Internet of Things, 2 September 2010.
VINNOVA IoT talk, 18 August 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
Sensors and Actuators: The Next Billion Connected Devices,
1st European Summit on the Future Internet, Luxembourg, 3 June
- Keynote: SUNET 2010 Annual Gathering, Växjö, Sweden, April
Guest lecture on the Internet of Things for PhD students in
University of Bologna, Italy, 10 May 2010.
Connecting the next billion devices - an operating system for the planet, SICS open house, 21 April 2010.
Keynote: IP for Smart Objects, Workshop on sensor networks and safety critical embedded systems challenges and possibilities for industry, CPSWEEK 2010, Stockholm, Sweden, 12 April 2010.
The Internet of Things, Royal Institute of Technology, 12 March 2010.
Contiki the Operating System for the Internet of Things, Invited guest lecture, Uppsala University, 26 February 2010.
Keynote: Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP The Internet of Things, ICSOC 2009, Stockholm, Sweden, 26 November 2009.
Keynote: Smart Objects and the Internet Protocol, ABB workshop on industrial networking, Västeräs, Sweden, 18 November 2009.
Keynote: Everything Connected Smart Objects and the Internet of Things, SABO seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 November 2009.
Keynote: What are Smart Objects and the Internet of Things?, Swedish Internet Days, 5 November 2009.
IP Communication for Smart Objects Building the Internet of Things, MIT EmTech 2009, 23 September 2009, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Wireless Sensor Networks: Moving Forward, Invited seminar at the Profun kick-off meeting, Uppsala University, 14 May 2009.
IP-basedSensor Networking with Contiki, IPSN tutorial on IP-based sensor networks, San Francisco, 16 April 2009.
The Contiki Operating System, Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Cooperating Objects Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Darmstadt, Germany
Tiny IP Networking and Wireless Sensor Networks, Guest lecture, Royal Institute of Technology, 24 February 2009.
The Internet of Things, Kista Rotary club, 13 February 2009.
Tiny IP Networking and Wireless Sensor Networks, Invited talk at IAR systems, Uppsala, Sweden, 18 November 2008.
Wireless sensor networks, Invited guest lecture, Uppsala University, 12 November 2008.
The Contiki Operating System: IP for Sensor Networks, EuroNF workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 23 October 2008
Connecting IP with the Physical World, Swedish Internet Days, Stockholm, Sweden, 22 October 2008.
Sub-Milliwatt Radio Communication, Scandinavian Embedded Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 21 October 2008.
IPv6 for Smart Objects, Dot.SE workshop on IPv6 and DNSSEC, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 October 2008.
Contiki and wireless sensor networks, Royal Institute of Technology, 9 October 2008.
Contiki tutorial, GINSENG workshop, Lancaster, UK, 1 October 2008.
IP for sensor networks, CNS workshop, 30 September 2008.
The Internet Protocol for Smart Objects, Invited talk, Biotage, Uppsala, Sweden, 22 September 2008.
Energy measurements in buildings, Swedish energy authority workshop, 11 June 2008.
Wireless sensor networks, Luleä, Sweden, 21 April 2008.
Keynote: Sensor Networks are Too Quiet, Scandinavian Ad hoc Networking Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 May 2008.
Accurate Power Profiling for Sensor Network Simulators, Scandinavian Ad hoc Networking Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 8 May 2008.
Embedded Networking and Wireless Sensor Networks, Invited guest lecture, Royal Institute of Technology, 6 May 2008.
Wireless sensor networks, Invited guest lecture, Royal Institute of Technology, 29 April 2008.
Contiki a Pioneering Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks, Design Automation and Test Europe (DATE) 2008, 11 March 2008, Munich, Germany.
Contiki - a Pioneering Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks, WISA workshop, March 2008.
IP moving to Reality - Connecting the Physical World, Invited talk, Cygate workshop, 20 February 2008.
Embedding the Internet, Utsikt, Stockholm, Sweden, February 2008.
Sensor network research in NES, SICS, November 2007.
ESNA technical platform, ESNA project review, SICS, November 2007.
Wireless sensor networks, Invited lectures at Datakom3, 22-23 November 2007, Uppsala University.
Rime / Chameleon: An Adaptive Communication Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks, Royal Institute of Technology, October 2007. (Paper: An Adaptive Communication Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks, SenSys 2007.)
IP Communication for Networked Embedded Systems and Wireless Sensor Networks, Embedded Conference Scandinavia, October 2007.
Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks with Run-Time DynamicLinking in Contiki, Real-time in Sweden conference, 22 August 2007.
Cross-Level Sensor Network Simulation with COOJA, Real-time in Sweden conference, 21 August 2007.
Protothreads: Simplifying Memory-Constrained Event-Driven Programming, Real-time in Sweden conference, 21 August 2007.
Enabling Sensor Network Energy-Evaluation at an Unprecedented Scale (paper: Software-based On-line Energy Estimation for Sensor Nodes), CSL retreat, June 2007.
Programming memory-constrained networked embedded systems, Guest lecture, 29 March 2007, Royal Institute of Technology.
Contiki - an operating system for networked embedded systems, SICS open house, 18 April 2007.
Programming memory-constrained networked embedded systems, Guest lecture, 29 March 2007, Royal Institute of Technology.
Programming Memory-Constrained Networked Embedded Systems, PhD thesis defense, February 2007.
Wireless sensor networks, Guest lecture, 11 May 2006, Royal Institute of Technology.
Protothreads: Simplifying Event-Driven Programming of Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems, ACM Sensys 2006, Boulder, Colorado, November 2006.
Run-Time Dynamic Linking for Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks, ACM Sensys 2006, Boulder, Colorado, November 2006.
Research dissemination through open source software, SICS internal conference, 11 September 2006.
Protothreads, (excerpt from a talk entitled "Wireless sensor networks and software for tiny systems"), Ericsson Mobile Platform AB, Lund, Sweden, 22 November 2005.
Using Protothreads for Sensor Node Programming, The REALWSN 2005 workshop on real-world wireless sensor networks, Stockholm, Sweden, 21 June 2005.
How to write really small TCP/IP stacks ... and make them survive slashdottings, Invited talk at the 2005 Nordic University Computer Club Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, 16 April 2005.
Towards TCP/IP for Wireless Sensor Networks, Licentiate degree defence, Västerås, Sweden, 22 March 2005.
Contiki - an Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks, ENEA AB, Stockholm, Sweden, 9 February 2005.
Wireless Sensor Networks - Low Power, High Impact, ENEA AB, Stockholm, Sweden, 9 February 2005.
Writing Tiny Protocol Stacks, ABB Research, Västerås, Sweden, 18 January 2005.
Introduction to Contiki hacking, Computer and Network Architectures lab retreat, Rånäs Castle, Rånäs, Sweden, 2 December 2004.
Sensor networking research at SICS, Reconfigurable Ubiquitous Networked Embedded Systems project WP6 workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 25 November 2004.
Contiki - a Lightweight and Flexible Operating System for Tiny Networked Sensors, held at the First IEEE Workshop on Embedded Networked Sensors (EmNetS-I), Tampa, Florida, USA, 16 November 2004.
Contiki - an Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks, Enea Epact AB, Linköping, Sweden, 29 October 2004.
Wireless sensor networks - Low power, high impact, Enea Epact AB, Linköping, Sweden, 29 October 2004.
Towards TCP/IP for Wireless Sensor Networks, licentiate proposal seminar. Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden, 28 October 2004
Contiki and uIP - Making sensor networks work, Telia, Stockholm, Sweden, 25 October 2004.
Contiki - an Operating System for Wireless Sensor Networks, Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Kista, Sweden, 5 October 2004.
Wireless Sensor Networks: Properties, challenges, implementation, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 22 September 2004.
Full TCP/IP for 8-bit Systems, ACM MobiSys 2003, San Francisco, May 2003.